The Entrepreneurs Journey
Making Big Hairy Audacious Goals Real
How do we set long term audacious goals and execute them in the hustle and bustle of the day to day?
The paradox of the Entrepreneur
The shift great entrepreneurs make that enables them to go on and create extraordinary businesses, is the ability to explore the why and what before the how.
Finding the right people when they don’t exist!
One of the biggest challenges facing Australian businesses at the moment is finding and recruiting people. It is especially challenging in regional businesses.
The dark arts of Marketing don’t have to be that dark.
Having coached and mentored entrepreneurial businesses for 20 years, I adopt a very simple model to marketing.
The Barefoot Investor has it right!
Scott Pape, the Barefoot Investor, is one of my favourite humans.
What About Me, It Isn’t Fair?
Having been a business mentor for about twenty years, I have had the privilege to have sat in thousands of businesses meetings where we talk operations, plot strategy and solve problems.
Are you clear on how you compete?
Once we have established these fundamentals, we are right to start the endless cycle of lifelong relationships with our clients and customers.